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ERROR:-1 DB Error: unknown error
UPDATE pgv_individuals SET i_isdead=1 WHERE i_id='I1' AND i_file=1 [nativecode=1226 ** User 'kajahl' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 500000)]

ERROR:-1 DB Error: unknown error
SELECT 'INDI' AS type, i_id AS xref, 1 AS ged_id, i_gedcom AS gedrec, i_isdead FROM pgv_individuals WHERE i_id='I2' AND i_file=1 [nativecode=1226 ** User 'kajahl' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 500000)]

Fatal error: Call to undefined method DB_Error::fetchRow() in /home/www/dbaser.kaj-ahlburg.dk/includes/functions_db.php on line 509